new low for blogger?  don't know.

can't say i'm surprised.

hmpf,  fixed again for now(?)... nope.  fixed and broken and actually, looks like this might be on youtube.  now it seems fixed again.

just a guess though.


funny, i was looking for this:



the following will be of more interest later.,_2024

for example, donations made in june don't have to be reported until july 20th, but the quarterly reporting (which includes june) is due by july 15th.

anyway, found all of that on my way to trying to answer a question i had.

this can't all be that simple, can it?

i'm not including the linked image directly above to insist that anyone trawl a seemingly endless maze of campaign finance records.  it's just an available resource provided by the government.

(link to their complaint included)

so a legal concern from trump's 2016 campaign is being funded by his 2024 campaign?  not the concern the campaign legal center addresses in their complaint.  they do reference whether the candidate might be limited in the amount of legal fees that could be covered by contributions from a non-connected committee through any, candidate-affiliated, committee.

here's a link to that complaint as a *.pdf (again):

 so their, the campaign legal center's, complaint does stress that these campaign funds go to benefit the candidate by paying legal fees (which would exceed limits for an affiliated committee to accept from either a non-connected committee or a llc) and that the limited liability company involved didn't meet filing requirements by april 24th of this year.

 here's where i get confused.  trump's legal expenses were at least in part to address liability from when he was a candidate in 2016 if not liability incurred during his subsequent time in office.  trump's not running for election in 2016 and isn't in office today.  the guilty verdict from a new york jury doesn't prevent him from running for President in 2024.  how is his 2024 campaign allowed to fund any of his legal expenses from a concern related to his 2016 campaign?

true, it could be that he never stopped his campaign.  just depends on how the authorized committees were managed?

May I use remaining campaign funds in a future federal election?

Yes, surplus funds may be used in connection with a future election. Funds may be transferred between authorized committees of the same candidate (for example, from a previous campaign committee to a current campaign committee) without limit as long as the committee making the transfer has no “net debts outstanding” as defined in 11 CFR 110.1(b)(3)(ii). 11 CFR 110.3(c) and 116.2(c)(2). Alternatively, a candidate may redesignate a former campaign committee as the principal campaign committee of his or her current campaign and use the excess funds of the previous campaign in the current campaign. AO 1980–30. A candidate who wishes to use the committee for a subsequent federal campaign, may redesignate it as an authorized committee using FEC Form 2.


 transfer or redesignation doesn't make it sound like the same campaign.