from now on | 60.0 seconds telegraph 📮


premise was | 48.1 seconds 👄


not really | 60.0 seconds 📑


division even in fictional | 60.0 seconds ➗


don't want the President | 60.0 seconds 🗳️


enthralling | 60.0 seconds 🪽


called me that day | 55.4 seconds ✆


would be very surprised if many of these clips last

especially on this page


hear that | 43.9 seconds 🎥


walk this back | 1:41.9 - 2:40.6


exact same | 3:58.3 - 4:58.3


no good company | 0:36.1 - 1:33.6


your boss, lauren mitchells | 2:29.1 - 3:29.1


a little different | 2:11.8 - 3:11.8


secure, adorable facility | 2:32.3 - 3:32.3


only because | 0:20.9 - 1:20.9


any word | 0:22.6 - 1:22.6


sips from this bottle | 1:39.4 - 2:28.7 🧊


rest of the town | 60.0 seconds 🐣


let's compare | 5:21.0 -


ain't gonna | 59.4 seconds 📻



revered film | 60.0 seconds 🛬


image consultant | 60.0 seconds 🍬


how am i doing | 60.0 seconds 🚃


"Intended as the successor to the Porsche 930, the car did not get past the prototype stage.


don't know why i was surprised to see these disappear

didn't guess 

dump it out | 1:47.8 - 2:32.8 🍷