listened to most of your show. the discussion, not covered by the clip included above, about our representation in the senate or our electoral college wasn't of much interest. absent an amendment to the constitution those processes will not change. the number of senators not representing our population and instead recognizing each state equally contrasts with the electoral college representing the recognized population of each state. note: the states themselves are not separate sovereigns and are just recognized as states by our constitution: the always relevant law providing for our country.

listened to a law professor on the 'news' last night.  roughly paraphrasing, he claimed that our country's legal system was founded based on the rule of law.  our former american colony was, but our country was founded with the drafting and acceptance of the united states constitution.  if you wish to claim that our constitution was based on the rule of law then maybe you or anyone could explain why the phrase "rule of law" is not found in that constitution?

the right to live in a democracy and other rights under the laws of our country are found in the constitution.  the oath or affirmation required to show an acceptance of the public's trust by all government officials?  required by article six.


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