old and out of touch

[ time to admit to being fifty. ]



[he's been out consoling the survivors of two recent mass shootings.  showing compassion and concern is very much appropriate.  this year, 2022, there's been more than one mass shooting a day (four or more shot).  biden very much needs to say something to the thousands of people affected by those heinous and senseless, heinous crimes.  maybe say something kind not just to those immediately affected but also to first responders and everyone else.]


467,085 views Oct 30, 2019 Hasan Minhaj (aka Lilly Singh) LOVES horror movies, but let's…"

quoted june 8th, 2022; not the type of numbers her channel had before her late night show.]



 [fixing, fixed for now.]



t̶h̶e̶ two exceptions, today, to having posted everything from youtube as "clips":


 clips allow for halfspeed playback.




 clip below replaced deprecated clip below it

clip below corrupted from original looping length.








[third exception]
adding an image from when i was actively posting to tumblr



If you can’t wait until more Better Call Saul (season 6 on Netflix) appears, then we do have something else for you to binge through.  The Los Pollos Hermanos Employee Training collection features 10 short clips that were uploaded last December and are a joy to watch.



